About Us

Founded in 2002, Jane's Gallery is an enchanting antique store that features a one-of-a-kind private collection amassed over the past 40 years.

As a lover of Chinese material culture and avid collector of rare antiquities, the store owner boasts in a rich assortment of beloved antiques ranging from delicately carved ivory fans to ornate incense burners and vibrant porcelain pieces, each providing a glimpse into the wisdom of the literatis and the splendor of the Chinese dynasties. 

Additionally, the store features a range of unique jewellery pieces personally designed by the owner using precious gemstones, pearls and corals. The unique blend of traditional Chinese elements and modern crafting techniques make these pieces ideal for both everyday wear and private collection.

Whether a long-time connoisseur or a complete strange to the world of antiques and Chinese culture, you are sincerely invited to explore the joy of uncovering rich stories and cultural insights embodied in each remarkable artefact at Jane's Gallery!

The complete collection of items at the physical store is gradually introduced to the website catalogue and various social media platforms. 


出於對中国物質文化的热爱及稀有古董的鑑賞,店主悉心收藏的上千件寶物中有精美雕刻的象牙扇子;华丽的香爐;小巧精美的鼻煙壺;七彩瓷器…… 每一件古物都展现了古人的智慧和各個朝代的精湛手藝。


